Drawer runners 700mm
Drawer runners 700mm
Drawer runners 700mm are one of the largest guides that are very often chosen by our customers. They are perfect for popular built-in cabinets as well as larger cabinets. Our guides are made of the best materials, which translates into their quality, strength and durability. Choose freely from steel, nickel, zinc-aluminum alloy or nickel guides. The most popular 700mm drawer runners are H45 and H53. Most of the products available in this category are sets containing left and right slides. When you buy at Furnica, you can benefit from free delivery. For orders within the UK, free shipping starts from as low as £ 50. Our products are used by individual customers as well as showrooms, stores and furniture factories.
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What kind of drawer runner 700mm to order?
700mm guides can come in different variants. First of all, check if you need ball-bearing or roller guides. Second, make sure the rails can be installed by the standard method or you need a different system (e.g. Low mounting). Select the product you are interested in and go to its product sheet to see the detailed technical parameters.
Our guides have many additional functionalities. Individual models may have the option of full extension. This means that such a drawer then slides completely out of the furniture. This provides convenient access to the entire usable space of the drawer. The recommended solution is the installation of silent closing guides. As soon as you start closing the drawer, the slowdown system will start. As a result, the drawer will never slam, and everyone around - household members, employees in the office - will be able to enjoy a friendlier atmosphere.
A self-closing device performs a similar function. The slide will close automatically, but it will be sufficiently silent and slow. These solutions are 100% safe for children and comfortable for adults. Be sure to check out all the 700mm drawer runners we have prepared in this category. We are sure we have exactly the mounting accessories you need in stock!
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